
VIsual Arts

The Visual Arts program at  PS 527 is a choice-based practice following the Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB) pedagogy. The students are the artists who bring their own ideas to their art studio, where they develop their personal creative process - which is valued over product. The art studio is organized by centers: Drawing, Painting, Collage, Fibers, Mixed Media, 3-D Design and Printmaking.

At the heart of the art curriculum are eight Studio Habits of Mind, which artists practice across all media: Develop Craft,  Engage & Persist, Envision, Express, Observe, Reflect, Stretch & Explore, and Understand Art Worlds. Students learn many skills to fill up their artist’s toolkit, which they can apply as needed in their own personal artwork. The artwork that you see is authentic children’s work created from a high level of independence and responsibility of the child, rather than teacher-directed projects. Students learn about contemporary artists who align to our PS 527 Values, many of whom have artwork in nearby NYC museum exhibits and galleries for us to enjoy.