Direct Appeal FAQ


What is the Direct Appeal?

The Direct Appeal is PS 527’s top fundraising priority. Contributions to the Direct Appeal impact every aspect of the school, from assistance in the classroom to professional development, technology to the arts, sciences, reading and math intervention, physical education, musical programs, and test preparation.

Letters announcing our 2022-23 Direct Appeal Campaign will be distributed to families in early October and can be viewed here as well.

What does it fund?

The Direct Appeal supports a robust and unique student experience at PS 527. Historically, funds raised have gone towards items like:

  • Teaching assistance to provide students, regardless of grade, added support and attention

  • Dedicated Science, Music and Art Studios and Library and Technology Hub with dedicated specialty teachers

  • Physical Education aides and equipment, and Recess Coaches

  • Response to Intervention program to help all students succeed in reading/literacy

  • A Math Intervention Specialist for individual students in K-5 grades.

  • Enrichment programs like 92Y, Story Pirates, Art Farm and Architecture in the classroom

  • Educational resources like iReady, Mathletics, RAZ Kids, Epic!, Flocabulary, EnvisionMath, NewsELA

  • State exam preparation materials for Third, Fourth, and Fifth grades.

  • 5th Grade Graduation Events to commemorate our “seniors”

  • Quarterly Lice Screenings - a necessity!

Why is the Direct Appeal so important?

Every year, PS 527 relies on the Direct Appeal Campaign to fund many of the social emotional learning and enrichment programs as well as additional classroom resources for small group instruction. You may not realize the Department of Education’s “Fair Student Funding” is the main source of money for most schools and, even in a normal year, does not cover all of these valuable programs we hold so dear. 100% of funds donated through the Direct Appeal benefit the school. This is why the Direct Appeal has historically been so important.

And we need your support now more than ever. While we have gotten off to a strong start this year, it is inevitable that additional needs will arise as the year goes on. With your help, PS 527 can continue to meet critical staffing needs, sustain programs that provide a well-rounded and engaging curriculum, and facilitate virtual opportunities for students to connect across both grades and cohorts. This is at the very heart of what makes PS 527 such a unique and enriching place.

How much am I expected to give?

In the past we have suggested a donation of $1,500 per child, in accordance with District 2 goals, but any amount will make a difference. Donating is easy, contact-less, and tax-deductible to the fullest-extent allowable.

I can’t give very much. Will my donation be meaningful?

Each contribution, no matter the size, makes a significant difference to our school, especially given this challenging year. Your donation will also count toward a high participation rate.

Why is 100 percent participation so important?

100% participation sends a powerful message that we are ALL committed to our school, our teachers, our students, and our educational mission to prepare today’s students with the 21st Century academic and social-emotional skills they need for success tomorrow.

A high level of participation may also support outside funding for our school. For example, high participation rates are considered when applying for grants.

Who is asked to contribute to the Direct Appeal?

We are asking everyone that is considered part of the PS 527 community to contribute to the Direct Appeal – parents of current students and alumni, grandparents, family members and friends are all encouraged to participate.

Is my gift tax-deductible?

Yes, Direct Appeal donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

What is the Tax ID Number?

The Employer Identification Number (EIN) for P.S. 527 PTA, Inc is 84-2226667.

Do you accept employer matching funds?

Yes. Here is a list of companies that have offered matching gift programs in the past. Please check with your specific employer to confirm if such a program is offered. Often, companies will match employee and employee spouses gifts up to one year after the date of donation.

How do I make my contribution?

We strongly recommend that all donations be made virtually by visiting For other methods of making a gift, please contact our treasurers at